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Direct access: 可笑し , 御数 , 御金 , 岡山 , 小川 , 置去 , 沖縄 , 御経 , 屋外 , 奥様


pronunciation: okashi
kanji characters: ,
translation: amusing (anc.), funny, laughable, ridiculous, comical
可笑しい: okashii: amusing, funny, laughable, ridiculous, comical, strange, queer, suspicious, improper
可笑しな: okashina
可笑しがる: okashigaru: make fun of, find fun
可笑しな奴: okashinayatsu: queer [odd] fish <<<
可笑しな様子の: okashinayousuno: queer-looking, suspicious-looking <<< 様子
可笑しな話だが: okashinahanashidaga: strange to say, The funny [odd] thing is that <<<
可笑しさ: okashisa: funniness, ridiculousness
可笑しさを堪える: okashisaokoraeru: suppress one's laughter, keep one's face straight <<<
可笑しくて堪らない: okashikutetamaranai: be doubled [creased] up with laughter
頭が可笑しい: atamagaokashii: be crazy <<<
related words: 面白


pronunciation: okazu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: side dish (to be eaten with rice)


pronunciation: okane
kanji characters: ,
other spells: お金
keyword: finance
translation: money, penny
御金が無い: okaneganai: have no money, be out of pocket, be broken, be penniless <<<
御金が有る: okanegaaru: have money <<<
related words: 現金 , マネー


pronunciation: okayama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Okayama (prefecture, city)
岡山県: okayamaken: Prefecture of Okayama <<<
岡山市: okayamashi: City of Okayama <<<
岡山城: okayamajou: Okayama Castle <<<
岡山空港: okayamakuukou: Okayama Airport <<< 空港
related words:


pronunciation: ogawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: brook, brooklet, stream, streamlet, rivulet


pronunciation: okizari
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 置き去
keyword: travel
translation: abandon of a person
置去にする: okizarinisuru: leave (a person) behind, desert (one's family), maroon


pronunciation: okinawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Okinawa
沖縄の: okinawano: Okinawan
沖縄県: okinawaken: Okinawa Prefecture <<<
沖縄島: okinawajima: Okinawa Island <<<
沖縄本島: okinawahontou: Main Island of Okinawa
沖縄戦争: okinawasensou: Battle of Okinawa <<< 戦争
related words:


pronunciation: okyou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: お経
keyword: buddhism
translation: Buddhist scriptures, sutra
御経を読む: okyouoyomu: chant [recite] a sutra, read a service <<<
御経を読む様に: okyouoyomuyouni: monotonously <<<


pronunciation: okugai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: out-of-doors
屋外の: okugaino: outdoor (a.), open-air, exterior
屋外で: okugaide: in the open air, outdoors, outside
屋外劇場: okugaigekijou: open air theater <<< 劇場
屋外遊戯: okugaiyuugi: outdoor games <<< 遊戯
屋外運動: okugaiundou: outdoor exercise <<< 運動
屋外スポーツ: okugaisupootsu: outdoor sports <<< スポーツ
屋外プール: okugaipuuru: outdoor pool <<< プール
related words: 屋内 , 野外


pronunciation: okusama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: Madame, Mrs., Lady
奥様は魔女: okusamawamajo: Bewitched (US TV series, 1964-1972) <<< 魔女
related words: 夫人

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