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Direct access: 御座成 , 押入 , 押売 , 牡鹿 , 鴛鴦 , 御絞り , 御湿 , 押し目 , 御喋り , 和尚


pronunciation: ozanari
kanji characters: , ,
other spells: 御座なり, お座成
translation: perfunctoriness
御座成な: ozanarina: perfunctory
御座成に: ozanarini: perfunctorily
御座成を言う: ozanarioiu: say commonplaces, make irresponsible remarks <<<


pronunciation: oshiire
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 押し入
keyword: furniture
translation: closet, wardrobe
押入る: oshiiru: break into, force one's way into
synonyms: クローゼット


pronunciation: oshiuri
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 押し売
keyword: crime
translation: importunate peddler, high-pressure salesmanship, hard sell
押売する: oshiurisuru: press (a person) to buy, force (a thing) upon (a person)


pronunciation: oshika, ojika
kanji characters: , 鹿
other spells: 男鹿
keyword: animal
translation: stag, buck
牡鹿半島: oshikahantou, ojikahantou: Oshika [Ojika] Peninsula <<< 半島
related words: 宮城


pronunciation: oshidori
kanji characters:
keyword: bird
translation: mandarin duck
鴛鴦夫婦: oshidorihuuhu: happily married couple <<< 夫婦


pronunciation: oshibori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: wet hand towel
related words: タオル


pronunciation: oshime
kanji characters: , 湿
keyword: hygiene
translation: diaper (n.), nappy, napkin
御湿を当てる: oshimeateru: diaper (v.) <<<
御湿をさせる: omutsuosaseru
御湿を替える: oshimeokaeru: change the diaper <<<


pronunciation: oshime
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: dips
押し目買い: oshimegai: buy the dips <<<


pronunciation: oshaberi
kanji characters: ,
translation: chattering, idle prattle, idle talk, chat, prattler, chatterbox
御喋りな: oshaberina: talkative, gabby, gossiping
御喋りする: oshaberisuru: talk much, chat, prattle, chatter, visit with (a person)
御喋り女: oshaberionnna: babbler (f.), chatterbox, chatterer <<<
related words:


pronunciation: oshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: chief Buddhist priest, director of a Buddhist temple
related words: 僧侶 , 坊主

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