Japanese display


pronunciation: ichimoku, hitome
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 1目
keyword: unit , game
translation: a glance, a stone (of go game), a point
一目置く: ichimokuoku: yield the palm (to), rate a person superior to oneself <<<
一目瞭然: ichimokuryouzen: be clear at a glance
一目均衡表: ichimokukinkouhyou: Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (a financial chart)
一目散に: ichimokusannni: at full speed <<<
一目散に逃げる: ichimokusannninigeru: take to one's heels, run (away) for one's life <<<
一目で: hitomede: at a glance
一目で解る: hitomedewakaru: understand at a glance <<<
一目見る: hitomemiru: have a glimpse of, sneak a peek <<<
一目惚れ: hitomebore: love at first sight <<<
一目惚れする: hitomeboresuru: fall in love at first sight
related words: 囲碁

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