Japanese display


pronunciation: ittou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , military rank
translation: the first class [grade]
一等の: ittouno: first-class (a.), first-rate, best
一等賞: ittoushou: first [top] prize <<<
一等親: ittoushin: first-degree family relationship <<<
一等国: ittoukoku: first-class [first-rate] power <<<
一等車: ittousha: first-class carriage [car] <<<
一等客: ittoukyaku: first-class passenger <<<
一等席: ittouseki: first-class seat <<<
一等地: ittouchi: excellent piece of land <<<
一等兵: ittouhei: private first class <<<
一等星: ittousei: star of the first magnitude <<<
一等切符: ittoukippu: first-class ticket <<< 切符
一等船室: ittousenshitsu: first-class cabin
一等航海士: ittoukoukaishi: chief [first] officer [mate]
related words: 上等 , 一流

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