Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 11
translation: work, duty, service, office, business
務め: tsutome: one's duty, work, duties, service, office, business
務めを果たす: tsutomeohatasu: carry out one's duty <<<
務めを怠る: tsutomeookotaru: neglect one's duties <<<
務めを辞める: tsutomeoyameru: resign [quit] one's post [situation], retire from office <<< , 退職
務める: tsutomeru: hold a post [an office] (in), be employed (in), serve (in), be in the service of
Kanji words: 外務 , 業務 , 総務 , 任務 , 財務 , 税務 , 刑務所 , 勤務 , 公務 , 法務 , 常務 , 職務 , 事務 , 義務 , 服務 , 債務 , 教務 , 内務 , 実務
Expressions: 議長を務める , 通訳を務める , 主役を務める , 役を務める

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