Japanese display


pronunciation: hendou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: change, alteration, variation, fluctuations
変動する: hendousuru: change, alter, vary, fluctuate
変動が激しい: hendougahageshii: be subject to wide fluctuations <<<
変動所得: hendoushotoku: fluctuating income <<< 所得
大変動: daihendou: violent [radical] change, cataclysm, catastrophe, upheaval <<< , カタストロフィー
相場変動: soubahendou: price fluctuation, fluctuation of a market price <<< 相場
地殻変動: chikakuhendou: crustal movement <<< 地殻
在庫変動: zaikohendou: change in inventory [stock], inventory change <<< 在庫
価格変動: kakakuhendou: price fluctuation <<< 価格
景気変動: keikihendou: business fluctuations <<< 景気
synonyms: 変化

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