Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 8
translation: stretch, extend, lengthen, spread
延びる: nobiru: extend (vi.), lengthen, stretch, spread, be put off, be postponed, be prolonged, be straightened, be flattened, become smooth
延べる: noberu: stretch out, extend (vt.), lengthen, straighten, flatten
延ばす: nobasu
延く: hiku: lay down, pull <<<
延べ: nobe: total (jp.)
Kanji words: 蔓延 , 延滞 , 延長 , 延期 , 遅延
Expressions: 期限を延ばす , 寿命が延びる , 寿命を延ばす , 逃げ延びる , 打ち延ばす , 落ち延びる , 引き延ばす

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