Japanese display

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 7
translation: forget,
忘れる: wasureru: forget, dismiss (a matter) from one's mind, put (a matter) out of one's mind, think no more of, leave (a thing) behind, forget to bring [take] (a thing)
忘れて: wasurete: oblivious
忘れずに: wasurezuni: without forgetting, without fail
忘れられる: wasurerareru: be forgotten, be buried
忘れられない: wasurerarenai: unforgettable, cannot put (a matter) out of one's mind
忘れ難い: wasuregatai <<<
忘れっぽい: wasureppoi: be forgetful (of), have a poor [bad, short] memory
Kanji words: 物忘れ , 勿忘草 , 忘年会 , 忘れ物 , 忘却
Expressions: 前後を忘れる , 台詞を忘れる , 綺麗に忘れる , 初心忘るべからず , 我を忘れる , 我を忘れて , 置き忘れる , 恨みを忘れる , 見忘れる

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