Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 12
translation: hot, warm
on, un
温か: atataka
温かい: atatakai
温める: atatameru: warm up, heat (v.), reheat
温め直す: atatamenaosu: reheat, warm up again <<<
温まる: atatamaru: warm oneself, get warm
温か味: atatakami: warmth, heat, geniality <<<
温み: nukumi: (slight) warmth, lukewarmness
温もり: nukumori
温める: nukumeru: warm up
温まる: nukumaru: warm oneself, get warm
温もる: nukumoru
温い: nurui: tepid
Kanji words: 温床 , 体温 , 温度 , 温水 , 保温 , 高温 , 低温 , 気温 , 温泉 , 温暖 , 温室 , 温厚 , 温存

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