Japanese display


pronunciation: shumi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: hobby, pastime, taste, interest
趣味の有る: shuminoaru: tasteful, interesting <<<
趣味の良い: shuminoii <<<
趣味の無い: shuminonai: tasteless, dull, insipid <<<
趣味の悪い: shuminowarui <<<
趣味に合う: shuminiau: suite one's taste <<<
趣味を持つ: shumiomotsu: have a taste for, take an interest in <<<
趣味の人: shuminohito: man of taste, hobbyist <<<
悪趣味: akushumi: bad taste <<<
中世趣味: chuuseishumi: medievalism <<< 中世
成金趣味: narikinshumi: interests [taste] of newly rich <<< 成金
文学趣味: bungakushumi: literary taste <<< 文学
ブルジョア趣味: burujoashumi: bourgeois taste <<< ブルジョア
related words: 道楽

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