Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport , life
Number of strokes: 12
translation: go round, transport (ext.), fate, destiny, lot, luck, fortune, chance
運: un: fate, destiny, lot, luck, fortune, chance
運が良い: ungaii, ungayoi: be in luck <<<
運の良い: unnnoii, unnnoyoi: lucky, fortunate <<<
運良く: unnyoku: luckily, fortunately, by good luck, as good luck would have it <<<
運が悪い: ungawarui: be out of luck <<<
運の悪い: unnnowarui: unlucky, unfortunate <<<
運悪く: unwaruku: unluckily, unfortunately, by ill luck, as ill luck would have it <<<
運が向く: ungamuku: luck turns to one's favor <<<
運が尽きる: ungatsukiru: One's fate is sealed <<<
運を試す: unnotamesu: try one's luck <<<
運ぶ: hakobu: transport, carry, convey
運る: meguru: go round, come round, revolve <<< ,
運: mawariawase: chance, fate, destiny, opportunity
運: yasu, kazu, yuki: pers.
Kanji words: 運河 , 不運 , 幸運 , 運賃 , 運動 , 開運 , 運行 , 運命 , 運輸 , 運搬 , 運送 , 運航 , 運営 , 運用 , 運転 , 運勢
Expressions: 担架で運ぶ , 解体して運ぶ , 事を運ぶ , 持ち運ぶ , 筏で運ぶ , スムースに運ぶ , トラックで運ぶ
related words: チャンス

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