Japanese display

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 16
translation: avoid, shun, evade, dodge, shirk
hi, bi
避ける: yokeru: avoid, evade (dangers), avert, keep off, steer clear of, dodge
避ける: sakeru: avoid, shun, dodge, get out of the way of, keep away from, evade, shirk, eschew
避け難い: sakegatai: unavoidable, inevitable <<<
Kanji words: 回避 , 避雷針 , 避妊 , 避難 , 退避 , 避暑
Expressions: 軋轢を避ける , 盗難避けの , 危険を避ける , 紛争を避ける , コンタクトを避ける

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