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pronunciation: juuyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: importance, gravity, heft
重要性: juuyousei <<<
重要な: juuyouna: important, of importance (consequence), weighty, momentous, principal, essential
重要で無い: juuyoudenai: unimportant, of little importance <<<
重要視する: juuyoushisuru: take (a matter) seriously, regard (a matter) as serious, attach great importance to <<<
重要商品: juuyoushouhin: important goods <<< 商品
重要人物: juuyoujinbutsu: important person, key person, vip <<< 人物
重要地位: juuyouchii: important position <<< 地位
重要物産: juuyoubussan: staple products <<< 物産
重要物資: juuyoubusshi: key commodities <<< 物資
重要産業: juuyousangyou: key [major] industry <<< 産業
重要書類: juuyoushorui: important documents [papers] <<< 書類
重要文化財: shuuyoubunkazai: important cultural asset
synonyms: 主要 , 大切 , 重大

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