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pronunciation: shokuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: meal, dinner, eating, food (n.)
食事する: shokujisuru: eat, dine, have [take] a meal, food (v.)
食事を取る: shokujiotoru <<<
食事を出す: shokujiodasu: serve a meal <<<
食事を作る: shokujiotsukuru: prepare a meal, set [fix] the table <<<
食事を用意する: shokujioyouisuru <<< 用意
食事を準備する: shokujiojunbisuru <<< 準備
食事付き: shojitsuki: with board, with meals <<<
食事中: shokujichuu: during dinner, at table <<<
食事時: shokujiji: mealtime, meal period <<<
食事時間: shokujijikan <<< 時間
軽い食事: karuishokuji: light meal <<< , 軽食
外で食事する: sotodeshokujisuru: dine out, eat out <<< , 外食
簡単な食事: kantannnashokuji: light meal, snack <<< 簡単
他所で食事する: yosodeshokujisuru: dine out, go out for one's meal <<< 他所
related words: 御飯

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